I am interested to know whether you subscribe to the idea of an essential self – do we have a unique individual essence or are we made up by the flows of words, concepts and practice that complicate our present time? Sincerely Stephen
Do you feel that each & everyone of us actually was already born with a ‘best friend’? This best friend is our mind. I feel that I engage in silent (I hope) conversation with her more often. She doesn’t judge. Loves me even when I fall or doesn’t perform up to expectation. Secrets that we share are never at risk of public humiliation. I wonder why some people fear loneliness. Is it because that haven’t found that friend of theirs?
My aunt has Alzheimers. When I visit her I have to talk in the present tense – like a running commentary on how we currently are. She can’t remember where she comes from, what she ate that day, if she had family, Christmas or any concept like reading or going on holiday or love. Is she still Angela, my aunt? Is it possible to live with no memory or is it just existing? Does it matter that she feels loved?
Hello! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask you questions. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about “self love” and I’d love to get your thoughts. Is true self love possible? How can we be kind to ourselves when we suffer the most from our own choices & flaws? Is it true that you can’t truly love someone until you love yourself – and does that apply to all relationships? Yours truly Josie