As I become older I find that my perception of the past changes. New ways of thinking today change the way I think about the past. It is hard to remember exactly how I felt about things (politics) then because of what is happening now. Richard
I’ve been thinking about the idea of money and how it can give power to the wrong people. I’d love to hear your thoughts about it. Is money equal to power? Hope you’re well. Best, J
how do we keep our moral compass in such a corrupt and profit driven world? Do we give up on our dreams? Xx
25 Sept 2019 Question: What would Iris Murdoch have to say regarding the warring parties and the issue of public health?
Hi there, I’ve always wondered, why do adults get more of a voice in society than children, if it doesn’t even effect them? Thanks, Ella
Dear Iris Murdoch, I love your novels and was interested to read about your philosophy. What do you think is our duty to each other in a time of social division and environmental breakdown? Copy
Oh, the times we are living in right now! I wonder so much what your opinions would be on polarisation of society. Why are we once again debating good and evil? Does it go around in circles? Must we hit rock bottom again before we can return to “loving attention”.