As we reach towards the end of our life here on earth, my wife and I are having deep discussions, which everyone in the country will have to consider at some point, about whether we should be buried or cremated. I am for the former but my wife is strongly against this and favours cremation. Are there any philosophie answers or approaches to this question? Joan &David Your answers may help us resolve this dilemna
Dear Iris. If you knew you had one more year to live, what would you focus on? I’m trying to imagine what you would think about and do more of – and what you would do less of and let go. Thank you in anticipation
What is the definition of philosophy, and how can I incorporate it more into my everyday thoughts. My brother passed away a few years ago, and recently he’s returned frequently to my thoughts. I can’t help but wonder what our relationship could have become + changed as we grew. I’m curious how philosophy handles the ‘what if’ questions following loss of things. Maybe you can provide an answer/thoughts on this? Best wishes =)